
July 16, 2013

Jesse's Girl Cosmetics Haul - 7/16/2013

My order from Jesse's Girl Cosmetics finally came in! I am in love with their eyeliners and Julie G nail polishes!
The first thing that I purchased from Jesse's Girl is their liquid eyeliners. I am in love with these things and they are most definitely my favorite eyeliner. I will do a review soon on these babies.
The third thing I purchased was a Julie G polish in Stiletto. I love neutral colors, so I decided to give this one a try.
The final thing I bought was another Julie G polish in "Light it Up". This was a Christmas polish, but it is still on the Jesse's Girl website. I'm excited to use this almost as an ombre.
I will let you know what I think about the polishes as soon as I try them. :)


  1. Great haul! Love the look of the polish Light it Up. Can't wait to see you use it as an ombré! =D
