
July 14, 2013

Sally Hansen Sugar Coat "Sugar Fix"

I'm sure most have heard about Sally Hansen's Sugar Coat nail polish by now. I was really excited about the white one because I've never seen a textured polish in white before. My Target didn't carry it, so I had to get it from CVS. I actually got the last one on the shelf!

Here is "Sugar Fix" on my nails. The texture and color are amazing. Sometimes it is hard to pull of an all white nail polish because it becomes streaky, but this was perfect. Since you had the texture, there was no streaking of the color. The only true downside to this polish is it chips like crazy! Not even a day after I applied this, my nails were chipping. By the second day half of the polish was off of my nails. When I went to take the rest of the polish off, it was harder than glitter to remove! I don't think I will be using this polish again unless it is just on one accent nail. I don't think I will be buying any of the other colors either.

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