
July 18, 2013

What's Burning?

One thing you probably didn't know about me is that I LOVE candles. I thought it would be fun to show you what I've been burning lately and my thoughts about each candle.

The candle I've been burning in my bathroom is Island Colada from Bath & Body Works. This was probably one of my first candles from Bath & Body Works. When you smell this candle out of the jar, it smells amazing. When it burns, it almost smells like a crayon which really turns me off from this scent. I'm really just trying to burn this one to get rid of it.
The candle I've been burning in my bedroom is Tropical Spice from Bath & Body Works. This is my absolute FAVORITE! It smells very tropical, as the name states. The only difference is that is have spice to it which really draws me into the scent. It's almost like a cinnamon and clove scent behind the tropical scent. I love this because it is not to sweet, it's just right!
I plan on doing more posts like this when I start a new candle. I love seeing what scents are other's favorites because everyone likes different things and it gives me ideas about what I should try next!

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