
August 11, 2013

Good Eats

I thought I would do a fun post with something I haven't blogged about. Food! I love food and I thought I would share with you a few things that I've had in the past few months. Enjoy! :)
First up is Whole Foods. This was fresh pasta with a garlic pesto topped with Parmesan cheese. This was absolutely delicious! I had never tried pesto before this point because I was always kind of "scared" of it. But this made me change my mind for sure.
This delicious chocolate mousse cake was from Ikea. Surprise, right?! I would have never thought that Ikea would have such a rich, smooth cake like this one. Every time I go to Ikea I have to get this from now on.
This isn't anything you can get "anywhere". This is my mom's homemade pizza. Let me just tell you, it is nothing like you get out! I prefer this over Pizza Hut, Domino's, or Papa John's any day!
This is a Crispy Thai Chicken wrap. I love this restaurant that is in Tampa! It is called Evos and they have the most delicious food I've ever tasted, it is good for the environment, and good for you! I believe they have a few locations in Florida, one in North Carolina, and one in Atlanta, Georgia.
 Ice cream! This is chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream from a place called Larry's right on St. Pete beach. This was one of the most unique ice cream shops I have been in. They had ice cream, gelato, sundaes, and pretty much anything you could ever want.
My boyfriend and I always manage to go to P.F. Changs for our Date Nights. This time they had their summer menu out and I tried the Korean BBQ Chicken. This was so tasty, but if you don't like spicy food, I would not get this. It was beyond spicy!

This last delicious picture is from a food truck called Mobile Munchiez. Their food is an America, Latin, and Italian fusion. This stuff is amazing! Here we have Yuca Fries, Chorizo Rice Ball, and Stuffed Potatoes. If you are in the Tampa area, you have to check them out!
If you have a post showcasing different foods you have tried, please leave them in the comments below. I love learning about foods in different cultures or different foods that could be exciting to try!


  1. OMG, that chicken wrap looks sooo delicious!!! Your posts are making hungry. Lool.

    Btw thanks for stopping by site and subscribing. Now following you back! :D

    Lynn | Makeup With Tea

    1. It was very delicious and I knew this post was going to make people hungry. LOL

      Thank you for following back! :)

  2. That looks delicious! I love pasta

  3. That pasta looks amazing, I love anything with pesto. And the ice cream,yum! This post seriously just made me so hungry hah!Nice blog!

    1. I knew it was going to make people hungry :/ haha

      Thank you for reading :)

  4. Mmmm, so many delicious goodies! That pasta looks incredible and I'm such a sucker for ice cream :)

    And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier- so much appreciated! xo


    1. Pasta + Ice Cream = my favorite! haha

      Thank you for stopping by my blog, too. :)

  5. oh, I love this post! I was just wondering whether to amke a food post, and you totally convinced me, these look SO delicious!!

    1. Yes, please do! I'd love to read your post :)
