
August 6, 2013

A Day at the Beach

I spent this weekend at the beach! I just wanted to share a few photos with you. I went to St. Pete beach with my Grandma, Mom, Uncle, Sister and Cousins. It was a lot of fun! (Grandma, if you are reading this thank you!)

If you have never been to Florida, you have to come! Isn't it gorgeous?!


  1. I currently live in Florida! It looks beautiful there! St Pete Beach is one of my favorites! :)

    1. I live in Florida too! I love it here, but it is WAYYY too hot this time of year! haha

  2. I want to go to Florida!! I've never been to America before x

    1. You should visit! I'm sure you would love it. :)

  3. Hey Monica, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following back. I try to stop by all of my followers blogs and follow them. I wish we had some nice beaches here in Toronto. We have a lake but you can't really swim in it as it is in the city and it is polluted. We have to go way up North to find crystal clear lakes to swim in, and even then it isn't the beach. I go on vacation a lot so I don't miss out. I will be going to Paris soon! and I went to Dubai in May so if you like travel you can check out my travel section :) I love palm trees! I wish we had them here. I go to Miami a lot (LOVE Miami!) and I love all the palm trees that line the streets there.

    1. I've always wanted to visit Canada! I've lived in Florida my whole life, so I don't know what it is like to be without a beach. But I'm sure you absolutely love Miami! :) Most of Florida has palm trees everywhere.

      Thanks for reading! :)

  4. My 5 year old keeps asking if we can go to the beach by the ocean. We live in Illinois...right in the middle lol Maybe one day we'll get him to an ocean beach.

    1. Yes, the beach is always fun! I'm sure he would love it :)
