
August 16, 2013

Psoriasis and Acne: How to Deal and Heal

To most people that have psoriasis, it is a hard topic to talk about. I've decided to blog about my experience because I know it could potentially help someone that is in the same shoes. I had psoriasis about two years ago. It lasted for three to four months until it cleared away. My dermatologist said it was probably due to stress. I started to eat better and as soon as my summer calculus class ended (this was my stress), it started to clear up.
Now, I am starting to get psoriasis again. I've noticed it on my hips and especially on my face. The more I try to moisturize my face, the more I started to breakout. I have pictures of what it looked like before and after using a few products that may help you.
I had psoriasis all over my face, especially on my eye lids. I researched and I learned that coconut oil (unrefined, cold-pressed) is great for both psoriasis and acne. I put this theory to the test.
This was my chin before. I had extremely dry skin and because I would slather moisturizer all over, I started to break out a lot.
This was after two weeks of using coconut oil. I would just put coconut oil all over my face before I went to bed (even eyelids). I would not use any other type of moisturizer during the night time. For day, I would use Peter Thomas Roth Max Sheer All Day Moisture Defense Lotion with SPF 30.
I plan on continuing this pattern until this is cleared up for good. I hope this helps for those that are suffering with the same problem!
If you have any questions, feel free to comment. I will answer all of them :)


  1. I cant find your Twitter or other contact info to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award..
    :) x

    1. Thank you! I actually just did this post recently, but I am going to add your questions to it. :)

      Thank you again!
