
June 13, 2013

Julie G Nail Color "Gelato in Venice"

I was just thinking about painting my nails with Julie G's color in "Gelato in Venice" when I saw it on Pinterest. I completely forgot that I bought it and I was presently surprised when I saw it in my nail polish collection yesterday!

I really love the packaging of Julie G's polishes. The glass bottle looks very chic and it's nice to have a white top sometimes because a lot of polishes have black tops.
This is "Gelato in Venice" with two coats of color and one coat of Diamond Dry top coat. This picture is pretty true to the color it is in real life.
In the sun, this is how the polish looks. It is a lot lighter than it is in normal sunlight.
I think this is a perfect color for spring and summer! Especially if you pair some glitter with it! :)
Thanks for reading!


  1. I love mint polishes, and this is stunning. Unfortunately I don't think this is available in Australia :(

    1. I purchase mine from and it says they ship internationally! :)
