
December 13, 2011

Lush "BB Seaweed" Fresh Face Mask

I am in love with this mask! This is actually my favorite mask that I've ever tried. It has honey, crushed almonds, roses, and rosemary oil. It's fresh so you have to make sure you keep it in the fridge. When you put it on your face, it is so refreshing and smells amazing! Once you take it off, your skin feels so smooth and  moisturized. The only downside to this mask is that Lush says to only keep it for three weeks. However, I've had mine for almost a month and it has not gone bad. I'll continue to keep it until it starts smelling bad. It seems like a small container, but I've already gotten four uses out of this and the picture above shows how much is left. I would recommend you all try this out! If you have not tried Lush products, this would be the first one I'd try!

Product: Lush BB Seaweed Fresh Face Mask
Price: $6.95
Bottom Line: Buy It!

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